miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

Romanesque architecture reportage

You will visit some different romanesque style churches in Salamanca

Your tasks are:

  1. Find one example of each of the architectural elements
If you can visit the inside and take pictures, that would be very positive. If not, you can find nearly all of the elements outside

2. Take a picture of each element

3. Prepare a digital presentation
Each slide will contain one picture with one element and its name


1. Apse chapel (Name of the church)

4. Write a list with an index
  1. Apse chapel (Name of the church)

  2. etc.
5. You will send the presentation and the index via Edmodo
Deadline: Sunday, 28th january 2018

Some romanesque churches in Salamanca:

- Catedral Vieja
- San Marcos
- San Martín
- San Cristobal
- Santo Tomás Cantuariense
- San Juan de Barbalos
- San Julián

You can find information about opening hours in the Tourism Office (Plaza Mayor):

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