martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Renaissance architecture

Here you can find a list of Features of Renaissance Buildings:

  • Stone as a building material
  • Square - Many buildings were built as square or rectangle symmetrical shapes
  • Front - The front or "façade" of the buildings were generally symmetrical around the vertical axis.
  • Columns - They used Greek  type columns (doric, ionic, corinthian)
  • Arches and Domes - Arches (semicircular) and domes were popular. 
  • Ceilings - The ceilings of buildings were generally flat. 
Some elements: flight of steps, portico, frieze, balustrade, cornice, patio (textbook pg. 21) 

1. Decoration on façades: medallions, shields, grotesques

Plateresque style 

2. Simplified but bigger decoration

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